In course of doing this a line of thought struck me and i began to wonder where the energy, life force and anticipation came from considering a couple of weeks back i thought i had hit rock bottom and was not going to make it back up...
Alas here i am back with the mischievious glint in my eye, a bounce in my step and a greater hunger for life and all it has to offer. hmmmm.
Thinking about all this reminded me about the mythical bird called the phoenix. This bird is known to burn itself in a fierce fire at the end of a long life cycle and from the ashes a young bird arises. This mythical creature not only regenerates itself when hurt or wounded... Its tears have been said to heal mortals.
My brief foray into greek mythology (re:Phoenix) further reinforces the fact that mother nature's rules for life are a major tool for survival. The mythical bird reminded me of these lessons:
- You will grow old.
- You will go through several forms of death before the big one. How you choose to come out of it is up to you.
- While hurting you still have the power to help someone out there. So its not all about you.
Being an ardent reader of the 'Good book' i felt some misgivings about delving into Greek mythology and reading up on the phoenix. So i was pleasantly surprised when further research linked the phoenix to one of the many symbols of ressurection... Further allusion has also been made to Job 29.18 where the hebrew translation for sand in that verse also means phoenix. It does sound plausible inserting the word phoenix into that sentence.
'Me thinks' i want a tatoo of the phoenix on my right arm since it embodies character traits i find admirable
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